Friday, April 25, 2008

Final stretch

We're basically finished working. Next week we'll just be saying our so-longs. But we ain't home yet. Starting next Saturday, we're going on one last two-week travel extravaganza. Some friends are meeting us along the way. First, we're hitting up Seville with Rob and his new shorty (alright, Caitlin and I are on the third season of The Wire and I've picked up some good vocabulary). Then it's off to Lisbon where we meet up with a couple of the other assistants. I'm going to the Offf festival ( and Caitlin's hittin' the playa (that might not be correct in Portugese). After that, back to Paris for a week with Mandy, Gabe, Crystal, and Sam.

I think we are already ready to come home, so after a couple more weeks of this crazy life, we'll certainly be anxious to throw in the towel, hang up our guns, and settle down a bit...but now we have to go find real jobs, and since our crappy health care system doesn't cover everybody, we've gotta deal with that too. C'est la vie.

I almost forgot, it will be my birthday while we are in Spain, so we're having ourselves a good old-fashioned Mexican Cinco de Mayo in Spain. Same language at least. Surely we can find ourselves some tequila somewhere.

Here's an illustration I did and I'm working on animating it.