Saturday, October 27, 2007

Italian Holiday

We hate to brag, but after three grueling weeks in the teaching profession, we are officially on holiday for the next fortnight. I know, try not to be jealous.
Tomorrow we are off to Paris, and Monday we will fly to Milano. We are going to spend five days in the Cinque Terre, hiking, lounging, beach-combing, and above all....gorging on delicious fresh pasta and pesto (which is a regional specialty- you learn something new every day).
Like Suzy and Greg however, we are still awaiting our paychecks from our respective, benevolent European countries. It will be an exercise in self-restraint. But how much Italian shopping could we do when we are only each taking a backpack. We will be sponging out our clothing in tiny hotel sinks for the next week.
One spot we plan to visit is Lucca, an ancient Italian city which is still surrounded by huge ramparts. I (Caitlin) have my heart pretty much set on renting a tandem bike and riding on top of them, but Kade is skeptical I think about sharing a bike.
Note: we are flying on Vueling airlines, which I think is relatively new and definitely cheap. Check it out if you are flying in European territories. And unlike those heathens at and easyjet, the price they show is inclusive of taxes. So they don't show a 10 euro fare and then add 80 euros in taxes.
Just our tip of the day.
So if you need us in the next week, we will be checking email occasionally, but will mostly be out of the loop. If anything groundbreaking occurs, send carrier pigeon.


SallyNichole said...

This weekend we went home and boht of my families just couldn't wait to show us the picture albums they had made of our wedding. It made us miss you guys terribly. I hope you have a blast on holiday. Hopefully, we'll get a chance to catch you at home and actually have a chat.

Emma said...

I rode a tandem bicycle around the beaches of Virginia last week, and let me tell you- it's not as easy as it looks! It took us a good 20 minutes to figure out how not to fall over.

I'm insanely jealous of your Italian vacation, but it soothes my heart to know that I will be seeing your beautiful faces in less than 2 months! As soon as I get more details hammered out, I will let you know. For now, enjoy the Luccan ramparts!

Nick said...

Oh man, my sister and I went to Lucca! You just HAVE to get a tandem bike, then circle the city jubilantly shouting "bonjorno" to everyone you pass. It really makes you blend in with the locals. At the very least, it was certainly memorable, since we passed everyone at least two or three times. How do you say "mental institution" in Italian?

Hey, could you send me Suzy and/or Greg's email? I got it at the wedding but after a ... crazy ... night, I somehow managed to lose it :)

Unknown said...

HEY!! Can you send me Greg's EMAIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally lost (read: it got eaten by the washing machine and covered my damn clothes) my little note book that had his fricken email and number in it!


Unknown said...

Hey!!!!!! Can you email me Greg's email??? I totally lost (read:' it went into the washing machine and covered my damn clothes) my little notebook that had his email and number in it!


Unknown said...
