Thursday, October 4, 2007

Our beautiful French apartment


Unknown said...

Hahahahah awesome video.


Unknown said...

Hehehe, I also totally ate half a thing of nutella today. It was delicious.

Emma said...

I agree, awesome video. And Caitlin, I love your hair!

Mandy said...

That may be the most amazing thing I've ever seen, Kade. Caitlin, superior acting, and...tu pelo es muy precioso. (I don't know French, so that will have to do)

SallyNichole said...

I love your hair! I myself am about to chop off all of my lovely locks. The apartment looks lovely and I love the Christmas decoration in the kitchen. All around awesome. We love you guys and miss you.

Anonymous said...

The video was perfectly lovely. I especially like the opening sequence and Caitlin's hair. It was great hearing from you in person (and I also had a pointer finger full of nutella today).

Oh - and I thought of something you could write in your travelogue - you could make lists of things (what's on your tray at the cafeteria, what fashionable students are wearing, books you read while you're there, etc. - It'll be very Nick Hornby)

Anonymous said...

(I forgot) I also like your tiny tiny fridge and the way Caitlin picks up a frenchy accent when she says "or as the French call it ..."

TheoCratic said...

Your apartment looks grand darlings!

And Caitlin, the new hair is tres chic.

Miss you both dearly, wish I had the money to come see you.... :(