Saturday, March 22, 2008

Stop Motion Lovers' Quarrel

First of all, congratulations to Mikey and Danielle. It's like baby-world right now. We cannot wait to meet your offspring. Feel free to post some pictures.

Kade made this using pictures from the photobooth feature on our computer. Enjoy.

Lovers' Quarrel from Kade Schemahorn on Vimeo.


karen said...

I have a feeling Caitlin will get alot of acting exposure from Kade's video interests. That was funny! MOM

Rob said...

Lol! Hilarious! I miss you guys.

Lewis Byrn said...

any news about the job in Portland?

jmr said...

I miss you guys and I miss your updates :)

SallyNichole said...

Are you guys still alive?