Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Our Sapin de Nöel

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree...


karen said...

It's so beautiful, I love it! Nice lighting for the shot too. It makes me so happy to think that I will soon see the Christmas tree with my own eyes. Hope you are doing well and please hug Emma upon her arrival. Love, MOM

Nick said...

Is that for real your Christmas tree? It's amazing! It's so bougie I'm jealous!

We miss you :)

deckard said...

Holy crap, this picture is gorgeous! The lighting is just perfect - awesome job!

Nick said...

hey friends found this and thought kade would like it


its nick by the way

Ian Monroe said...

Merry Christmas. :)

SallyNichole said...

Merry Christmas. I know it's a little late but we were in the W.C. and were super busy. We miss you and I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas.