Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Public Domain Video: Homos About

I found a bunch of communist plot style public domain footage that was pretty explicitly anti-homosexual. It was fun to edit it all together to create a Gay Panic PSA.
HOMOS ABOUT from Kade Schemahorn on Vimeo.


Kate said...

Won't somebody think of the children?!

That clip with the girls paddling each other had me lol'ing, though. Then I got angry again. Then I lol'd again.

Also, since when is sadochism and masochism a perverse lifestyle? (since the repressed 1950s, I know...)

SallyNichole said...

Thank you Kade for this video. I have been trying to think of a way to tell my close friends about my experience. *stands up* Hi, my name is Sally and I was lured into lesbianism by a woman with big panties and a paddle.

It feels great to finally have that off my chest.

karen said...

Thanks alot Kade, now I can never watch women's table tennis again. And the olympics are coming right up. Most days I like to think we have progressed, haven't we?

Rob said...

Lmao. That was hilarious Kade.

Uh, do you have any longer clips of the lesbian battle beat down? *cough* I need it for, uh, research.