Friday, April 25, 2008

Final stretch

We're basically finished working. Next week we'll just be saying our so-longs. But we ain't home yet. Starting next Saturday, we're going on one last two-week travel extravaganza. Some friends are meeting us along the way. First, we're hitting up Seville with Rob and his new shorty (alright, Caitlin and I are on the third season of The Wire and I've picked up some good vocabulary). Then it's off to Lisbon where we meet up with a couple of the other assistants. I'm going to the Offf festival ( and Caitlin's hittin' the playa (that might not be correct in Portugese). After that, back to Paris for a week with Mandy, Gabe, Crystal, and Sam.

I think we are already ready to come home, so after a couple more weeks of this crazy life, we'll certainly be anxious to throw in the towel, hang up our guns, and settle down a bit...but now we have to go find real jobs, and since our crappy health care system doesn't cover everybody, we've gotta deal with that too. C'est la vie.

I almost forgot, it will be my birthday while we are in Spain, so we're having ourselves a good old-fashioned Mexican Cinco de Mayo in Spain. Same language at least. Surely we can find ourselves some tequila somewhere.

Here's an illustration I did and I'm working on animating it.


SallyNichole said...

It's so good to read an update from you guys. I can't wait to see and hug you guys again and I'm totally ready for some old fashioned floating. I hope these last couple of weeks are a blast!

SallyNichole said...

Happy Birthday Kade!

Greg said...

happy late birthday kade! from both of us in spain where everyone is always late!

Unknown said...

Hey guys, it's Ryan Caldwell (from Joplin but now in Portland) well, I hope that things are going well for y'all and that you are settling in fine.

In the hustle and bustle of moving, I lost your phone number, so let me give you new number is 503.816.0062. Tricia and I are looking forward to the Indigo Girls concert on Saturday. we have a few other friends who will be joining us, so I think it'll be a great time. call or email us.

Taylor Smith said...

Hey guys. I found your blog after seeing that it linked to a youtube video showing a bit of Denain, France. I have been placed there next year teaching mainly high schoolers, but I have not heard back from the school. May you please please email me any contact info that you have for LP Alfred Kassler, or any other schools in Denain. My email is

Thank you, and I hope to hear from you soon.
