Saturday, December 1, 2007

Iraqi bloggers

I was flipping through the BBC news website and stumbled across a roundup of Iraqi bloggers, from within the country and also refugees. Whatever your opinions of the war and subsequent occupation, this shows the chaos and hopelessness that so many people currently feel. It is obviously too complicated to comment on here, so here are the links:

Newer roundup:
Last roundup:

There are links to each person's respective blogs as well as an excerpt. And this is only a sampling from those writing in English, the educated elite of Iraq: dentists, university students, kids from rich families. Imagine the desperate cries of those in even less fortunate situations.

Lighter aside: Caitlin and I are off to visit our first Christmas market of the season in Valenciennes today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How about a little Christmas music to get you in the mood for market?